Once upon a time...
There lived a girl who never updated her blog. Unfortunately, she even forgot about that blog for a long time, because she was experiencing something called:
Real Life.
So, as you can imagine, she was incredibly surprised when she suddenly decided to write a blog post on one, lovely evening in August.
She doesn't know what to write about, but she'll do her best.
I'm sure everyone has had those feelings where you want to write, but you don't know what to write about. It's kind of annoying, but it still feels good to know that I want to write.
There's so many things I could write about. And if I wrote to you everything that I think about in a week, you'd probably be even more confused than I am.
And anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear a long, random stream of thoughts.
So... NaNoWriMo is coming up. Again. This will be my third year doing it. I love it, though. It makes writing even more of an adventure. 50,000 words in one month is a lot. Plus, there's school, family, music, church, friends, etc. But it's all good. I'm sure there's a way to equally balance all of those things while writing a novel. Many, many brave people have done it before.
And besides, NaNo makes November more exciting. I look forward to it every year and it helps improve my writing.
Last year, I wrote a novel about a popular girl and an outcast boy who had to do a science project together. It was mainly about how not everyone is how they seem to be - and you can't judge a book by its cover.
Yesterday, I watched a movie with my sisters that was very similar to my book. It was almost creepy. Of course, their storyline and purpose were a bit different. But it was the same in a lot of ways, too - popular girl, outcast dude, science project. They even had the same hair color which was shocking.
Other than that, my book and their movie were different.
Still, it's interesting when stuff like that happens.
I'll probably be writing something this year that has the same message. God's shown me a lot of stuff since last November. I've been finding out that a lot of people feel alone.
A while back, when I felt really alone, I felt like I was the only one who felt that way, like no one else understood.
But at a friend's birthday party, I found that this cool, confident dude who had it all together was going through the exact same thing I was going through. He just wanted to be accepted and to stop being ignored.
He didn't even have to tell me that, because I saw it all over his face.
And then I started noticing more and more people who felt the exact same way.
You're never alone.
I once watched a movie called Logan. In that movie, one of the characters said:
"There's always someone going through the exact same thing you're going through."
I was thinking about that last night. Sometimes we feel like no one understands and no one cares. But there's always someone out there who understands - and there's always someone who cares.
Still, I find it ridiculous that we all find ourselves as outcasts sometimes. Like we're not cool enough or important enough.
But the truth is, we are.
If someone tells you different, then it just means that they're feeling insecure themselves.
We've all felt like outcasts before - each and every one of us.
So, if we're all outcasts, then there is no "in crowd."
Why do we all try so hard to fit in and be cool? Why do we want to be normal?
What is normal, anyway?
I think it's boring. If we were all the same, then this world would be quite confusing. And that, too, would be boring.
I'm not going to segregate someone or myself just because they're different or I'm different. God made all of us. And He said (Galations 3:28):
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
So, this week, while you're doing whatever it is you do, just remember that verse. And when you see someone who is different then you, think before you judge them. They may be going through exactly what you're going through. And they may be one of the truest friends you'll have, if you get to know them.
"God dances with the outcast."
-Steven James.
Be kind to someone this week. They might need it. ;)
Wow, I was checking out your blog (thanks to the link you posted on your NaNoWriMo bio) and you seem like a really cool person! I was reading this entry and felt the need to comment and tell you just how much I can relate to this. I've recently been dealing with a lot of cliques and exclusion, and these verses were just what I needed to here. So, thanks! :)
ReplyDelete~Abbi (Nascar-Sweetheart from NaNoWriMo.org)