Thursday, July 16, 2015

Favorite Screen Characters Tag!

Well, I was tagged by one of my favorite people ever Deborah to participate in the wonderful Favorite Screen Characters tag! I actually haven't done a tag, like, ever. So, I'm pretty excited about this! It's rather hard to pick only ten, because there are so many brilliant characters out there and I love them all! But I've managed to narrow it down to a few! Here we go . . .

1. Baymax (Big Hero 6)

Okay. I couldn't resist, but can you blame me? First of all, Big Hero 6 is now one of my favorite movies of all time. The storyline is brilliant, the setting (a mixture of San Fransisco and Tokyo! What's not to love?) is incredible, and the characters are beautiful, each and every one of them. Especially that guy up there. He is Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. ;) His entire existence is to make sure others are healthy and, if not, his job is to make them feel better! I just love him to pieces. It's hard to explain, but he's so adorable and sweet and one of the best characters ever created. If you haven't watched Big Hero 6, you should totally go do that. Right now.

2. Hwang Tae Kyung (You Are Beautiful)

(So I'm into foreign television shows. Haters gonna hate.) Never did I ever imagine someone like Hwang Tae Kyung would end up in a list with someone like Baymax. In contrast to Baymax's ability to care endlessly, Tae Kyung is pretty heartless and cold. In fact, he's one of those characters you hate right off the bat, because he's a jerk to everyone and you kind of wish you could punch him in the face. With a tractor. When I first started watching You Are Beautiful (it's one of my favorite shows ever and it's hilarious and on Netflix, so I highly recommend watching it), I couldn't stand him, but, as the show went on, he kind of grew on me. Don't get me wrong, he was still a jerk, but he was actually super misunderstood and, behind that scowl of his, there was a good person, who cared, but didn't know how to show it. I wish I could explain why I love him, but I don't even know. I just do. A lot. And his smile. His perfect smile. Please Google it.

3. Rico (Twisted)

What can I say? I have a thing for underrated shows and movies. Twisted is by far one of the most interesting TV shows I have ever watched, but it's no where near as popular as it should be (granted, there was only one season, but that's a rant for another post). I thought the characters were very believable and the storyline was awesome, filled with twists (;D) and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved each and every one of the charries in the show, but my favorite would have to be Rico. He's just so . . . adorkable. There's no other way to describe him. He's awkward and he stutters and he's a victim of unrequited love. He believes in doing the right thing and he's even a little nerdy, to top it all off. I can't imagine a more perfect character. I could literally go on all day about him. Just watch the show. Then you'll understand.

4. Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

You know how most little girls watch television and root for the hero every time, how they admire a story's protagonist, without giving a second thought to the antagonist? I wasn't that little girl. I spent hours upon hours watching Avatar: The Last Airbender when I was a kid and, even from the start, Zuko was one of my favorite characters. While he was hunting the Avatar in attempt to regain his honor, I liked Zuko. A lot. And, as the years passed and his character played an entirely different role in the show, I never stopped liking him. I liked his anger. I liked his heart. I liked his determination. I liked the way his character grew throughout the series. He is by far one of the most unforgettable characters ever created. Actually, he's probably my favorite character of all time. I guess some things never change.

5. Joo Byung Hee (Shut Up Flower Boy Band)

(Also known as Shut Up & Let's Go.) You know what? I could literally have done this tag with characters from Shut Up Flower Boy Band alone. No joke. They're all incredible and brilliant and the storyline for that show is just ASDFGHJKL;. There are no words to describe its awesomeness. Like, if I could only fangirl about one thing for the rest of forever, it would be this show, this amazing show that leaves me speechless each time I watch it. There really is no way to describe it. Anyway, I think I'm getting off subject... Byung Hee is really something. He's hard to explain. And, to be honest, he might be a little insane. But he captures the insanity of writers and musicians beautifully. He's himself. He doesn't pretend to be something he's not. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him. And, when he loves, he loves with all of his heart. I think he's right up there with Zuko as far as favorite-characters-of-all-time go. He's adorable and crazy and, if he were real, I would totally want to be best friends with him (even if it would be a bit of a safety hazard). <3 I just love him to pieces.

6. Shi Woo (My Lovely Girl)

Let's choose to ignore the fact that Myungsoo is my darling and I will marry him someday. Ahem. What, did someone say something? I didn't hear anything. ANYWAY, this is Shi Woo. He's not the friendliest cow in the pasture, but he's a sweetheart, underneath all the heartbreak and angst. I originally started watching the show because of my love Myungsoo and I wasn't sure what to think when I realized how angry his character was. I mean, I have no doubt that he can pull off playing an angry character (we'll talk about that in a minute), but I was a little disappointed, because this was a new show and I was hoping to see him play a different type of character. AND HE WAS DIFFERENT OH MY GOSH. His role in My Lovely Girl was nothing like I imagined it to be. Shi Woo was a super sweet character, who had been pushed aside countless times in life. He started off pretty angry, but his character grew so, so much throughout the story and it was a beautiful thing to watch. There were moments when he was super confident and then times when he was insecure and you could see past the walls. Characters like this are just so real, to me. The writers captured a lot of beauty with his character and I truly adore him. And Myungsoo. Always Myungsoo.

7. Peter Pan (Peter Pan)

For as long as I can remember, Peter Pan has been one of my absolute favorite characters. Sure, he's pretty irresponsible and the only thing he's serious about is never growing up, but THOSE THINGS ARE WHAT MAKE HIM SO LOVABLE. There is truly no greater fairytale than being able to live in a place where no one has to grow up. I love a lot about Peter, to be honest. I like that he's a leader. I like the way he's not afraid of anything. I adore his friendship with Tink and his relationship with Wendy. I like the fact that he believes in rebelling and staying young forever. I like that he's happy. I guess that's the best part about Peter Pan. He's happy, and he's free. Gosh, there are just too many reasons to fangirl over him! ^___^

8. Rapunzel (Tangled)

What can I say? Tangled is an incredible movie. All of the characters are beautiful and hilarious, but, if I had to pick a favorite, I'd definitely pick Rapunzel. She wasn't at all like a damsel in distress, living in a tower and waiting for a prince to come rescue her. In fact, when her prince showed up, she didn't hesitate to knock him in the head with a frying pan. Name one princess in the history of princesses who has done that before. I adore the way she is so curious about the floating lights, the way she's loyal to a fault, the way she keeps her promises and gives others chances. Perhaps my favorite thing about her, though, is the fact that she doesn't fear adventure and, even when faced with fear, she refuses to give up. Gah, she's just so AWESOME. ^___^

9. Lee Hyun Soo (Shut Up Flower Boy Band)

Like I said, I could go on forever about Shut Up Flower Boy Band. There was no way I could only mention one character from the show in this post. Even (slightly) more than Byung Hee, I liked Hyun Soo. And no, Myungsoo had nothing to do with that (I was a fan of SUFBB before I was a fan of him, so ha!). At first, he didn't really stand out to me, but, as the show progressed, I realized there were so many wonderful things about this character and he couldn't be ignored. He was another angry person (why do I have a thing for angry characters?). He wasn't exactly thrilled about the hand life had dealt him and he wanted to do something about it. It was amazing, watching him grow and blossom, watching truths come to light and watching him realize where he truly belonged. He was just altogether intriguing and it was super fun to watch his story unfold. And those eyes. THOSE EYES.

10. Mr. Miyagi (The Karate Kid)

Last, but definitely not least, is Mr. Miyagi. I was a kid the first time my parents asked me to watch the movie and I thought it was the most horrifyingly boring film ever created (was it about waxing cars or something?). But, when I got older, I decided to give it another chance and oh, my gosh. The Karate Kid is one of my favorite movies of all time now. Every single one of the characters are absolutely brilliant, especially Mr. Miyagi. For those of you who haven't seen this movie (has anyone not seen this movie? o_O), Mr. Miyagi is a wise, old, maintenance man who works in the apartment building Daniel LaRusso moves into at the beginning of the film. He's super sweet and compassionate, although he doesn't say much, and he's also secretly a karate master. In fact, I won't even say more about this character, because he really speaks for himself. Suffice to say that he's amazing and one of the greatest characters ever.

~ * ~ * ~

Well, there you have it! My favorite screen characters! I highly recommend watching all of the shows listed above. You Are Beautiful, Twisted, Shut Up Flower Boy Band (known there as Shut Up & Let's Go), and The Karate Kid can all be found on Netflix. You can watch My Lovely Girl for free on Drama Fever (you can find all of the Korean shows there for free, actually) and the rest can most likely be found on DVD. Just sayin'. ;D

To be honest, I've yet to meet a lot of bloggers, but I'm working on that! Most of the bloggers I know have already been tagged, but I shall tag a couple who haven't done this, I suppose. XD

I tag:
And anyone else who might read this and wish to participate! :D

The rules are to pick ten favorite screen characters and then tag ten bloggers (or, you know, two bloggers and eight invisible ones :P). So, yeah! I hope y'all enjoyed the tag! And now I have another one to get to since a certain writer tagged me again . . . ^_^ Have a wonderful day!

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