Monday, February 9, 2015

Beautiful People: La La La Love {February 2015}

What is this? Another post, and so soon after the last one! This is definitely a rarity. Anyway, I've never participated in Sky and Cait's "Beautiful People" linkup for writers, but I have a couple friends who do! So, I figured, if I wanted to get back to writing, what better way to do this than by participating in such an awesome linkup? Much to my surprise, and dismay, this month's theme was the Valentine's Day edition. I'm not anti-Valentine's Day or anything, but . . . Let's just say my characters aren't doing so hot in the love department right now. They're too into things like independence, or betrayal, or saving their kingdom. They don't have time for romance. >.>

Things weren't always this way. In fact, when I started my current medieval fantasy novel, Pro Deo et Patria, I planned to unite three couples. But, as usual, they had other ideas (apparently Rylan is incapable of loving anyone and Neala's plot is too spoiler-y for love). The novel is about six boys from a poor village, who are bribed by a princess in disguise to head across the kingdoms in search of their missing king. The books tells of their mishaps and adventures on this journey, their rise and fall as they attempt to stop a coming war. It's quite possibly the most exciting thing I've ever written! ^_^ Now, you're about to meet one of the six boys and his dearest friend.

Please welcome Fiona Harren and Driscol Gallaugher.

"Why'd you come here?" Driscol questioned suddenly and Fiona could feel his dark eyes burning a hole right through her. She raised her eyebrows as though he were asking an unreasonable question.
     He shot her the same look. "The truth, Fiona."
     She sighed. "I was worried. Some strange guy showed up with six hundred gold pieces to hand out and you all went without asking any questions." She elbowed him, offering a half smile. "I couldn't let you fall for it without investigating first."
     He could tell she was lying. She was clueless if she thought he couldn't, after all this time. This had less to do with his safety and more to do with Rylan Laury. He was trying hard not to be envious and it wasn't easy. He just hoped his smile was more convincing than it felt.
     She must have noticed his expression, though, for she quickly added, "Besides, Morella was alone and my mother was too busy to watch after her all the time. She needs Gael."
     Driscol looked up, almost as though he were challenging her. "He's not her father."
     "I didn't say he was."
     "Then why did you bring her with you?"
     "I didn't. That was her decision."
     "She's a child."
     Her face scrunched up in utter disgust. "You're a child."
     "Am I?" he questioned, trying not to smirk.
     She snorted. "It's kind of obvious."
     "Obvious like it shows in my speech, or obvious like your lies?"

~ * ~ * ~

1. How long have they been a couple?

Truthfully, they've yet to become one, but we all knew it was coming...

2. How did they first meet?

They met when they were only seven years old. Driscol was a troublemaker, constantly getting into fights at school. Fiona, on the other hand, was a bossy tomboy and the only one brave enough to challenge him. She was determined to give him a piece of her mind, to let him know just what she thought of his violence, but his silence in response to her rant was both annoying and unnerving. She couldn't stand him, but he found himself rather intrigued by her nature and confidence. He followed her around like a shadow for weeks after the incident and she shouted at him to leave her alone on a daily basis until, finally, she invited him to come play at her house (only if he promised to leave her alone afterwards). He agreed, they hung out, and they've been friends ever since.

3. What were their first thoughts of each other? (Love at first sight or "you're freakishly annoying"?)

Hate at first sight comes closest to what they were thinking. Fiona was infuriated that this boy had the nerve to go around getting into needless fights and hurting other kids. She thought him mean and a bully.

Driscol's first thoughts about Fiona were not very pleasant, to say the least. He found her immensely irritating and bossy. However, the longer she talked, the more amused he became, surprised that such a small girl could be so determined.

4. What do they do that most annoys each other?

Even after ten years of friendship, Fiona still cannot stand Driscol's silence. She is the type of person who loves conversation and constant interaction, but she gets none of that with Driscol. She might as well talk to a brick wall - she'd get more of a response that way. She also finds his lack of words a little scary at times, for he refuses to tell her when something is wrong, or even if she has upset him. This silence drives her absolutely crazy and she is not afraid to let him know it.

Perhaps that is what annoys Driscol most. He can tolerate her constant chatter - he has even grown to enjoy it - and her frustrated outbursts, but it annoys him to no end that she feels the need to protect him, even if it means inserting herself into dangerous situations and interfering when she shouldn't. Not only that, but he is secretly underwhelmed by her girl talk. Due to the fact she has few friends outside of him, he has been on the receiving end of several conversations he wishes to forget. She has no brain-to-mouth filter and has come fairly close to driving him insane at times.

5. Are their personalities opposite or similar?

Opposite, most definitely. Their friendship would have never even formed had it not been for the fact they were both children when they met. See above for more details.

6. How would their lives be different without each other?

Oh, wow. Their lives would be drastically different... Driscol would still be fighting, for starters. He would have been more apt to believe what others said about him and, in turn, would have headed down a more self destructive path, so afraid of becoming his father that, given time, he would.

Although her path would have been a less dangerous one, Fiona would have often allowed her frustration to get the better of her and this would damage a lot of relationships in her life. She would definitely have less patience for others and she would certainly be more bitter and angry.

7. Are they ever embarrassed of each other?

Are you kidding? Embarrassment is an everyday occurrence with these two. Most often, it is Fiona who embarrasses Driscol (her personality alone can accomplish this), but there have been rare occasions when Driscol would embarrass Fiona just to watch her blush.

8. Does anyone disapprove of their relationship?

Her father, Ouran. It goes much deeper than the average, "No man will be good enough for my daughter" feeling that most dads express. No, Ouran truly despises Driscol for a deeper reason, one no one knows yet, because of something that happened long ago. Her father's disapproval has yet to put a strain on the relationship, but it might when some secrets come out. >:)

9. Do they see their relationship as long term/leading to marriage?

As it stands no; they are only friends (even if he does make the occasional flirtatious remark). And, although they will be old enough to marry in only one, short year, that is the last thing on their minds. They're kinda busy, you know, rescuing a kingdom from complete destruction.

10. If they could plan the "perfect outing" together, where would they go?

Hmm. That's a tough question . . . I wanted to go with something sappy like "It doesn't matter where they go as long as they're together," but we all know that isn't the case. Perhaps they'd have a picnic near the ocean, enjoying one another's company and maybe even playing in the water. (Hah! It was sappy after all!)

Well, that concludes this post! I hope y'all enjoyed reading about my charries! I have way too much fun writing them! xD Let me know, do your characters ever fall in love, go against your will? Do you enjoy adding romance into what you write, or do you prefer not to? What did you think about Fiona and Driscol? Would you ship them? Why or why not?


  1. Ooh yay, Beautiful People post!

    "Let's just say my characters aren't doing so hot in the love department right now. They're too into things like independence, or betrayal, or saving their kingdom. They don't have time for romance. >.>"
    THIS. I DIED LAUGHING. XD You're brilliant Jillzy!! :D

    And dat snippet! o.o I'm sooo intrigued! :D

    The story of how they met is adorable. XD

    Okay, can I just say I absolutely adore how she's so talkative and he's so silent?? IT'S SO CUTE. Also I love character guys who are quiet like that and don't "share". XD Poor Driscol, stuck having to listen to her chattering! Heehee. That's adorbz. <3

    And I love how they change and help each other for the better. ^_^


    And yes, I totally ship them! :D They sound soooo utterly adorbz together. :D

    I like adding the occasional bit of romance but sometimes I forget to. XD My current novel is supposed to be more of a fairytale-ish romance story but my hero is making that a little hard because of... reasons. XD But a dash of romance can be fairly awesome in a book. :)

    Love this post! Sorry for the uber long comment. XD

    1. I have taken way to long to reply to this. XD My apologies, Celti! <3 First of all, thank you so so so much for your sweet comment (and nevermind the length - long comments are my favorite). ^_^ <3 You're so incredible and sweet! <3

      I'm glad I could make you laugh. XD My characters are rather strange, so it's no wonder they lack interest in romance. >.> They always have better things to do...

      ME TOO. XD I have a secret adoration for quiet character guys who "don't share" as well. They're so adorable and fun to write. ^___^ Also, it's rare when he complains, but he does ask me for duct tape every once in a while... :P (And "adorbz"? :P It's adorbz that you said that! ^__^)

      Pssh. Noooo. I don't believe in evil author plots. My characters start the drama, remember? (Muahahaha. >:D)

      Awwwww! Thank you so much for all of your kind words and for shipping them! <3 You just brighten my day and I love you so much! :D <3 Thank youuuuu!

      See? It's completely natural to minimize the romance when your characters are preoccupied with other things. xD And hmmm. Are his reasons spoilery or is he just complicated and stubborn? ;D What story is this, by the way? All of the fairytale-ish things you write are incredible! I hope your hero cuts you some slack and cooperates every once in a while. xD

      Thank you again for the uber long comment! I really appreciate it! ^___^ *is now curious about your novel*

    2. Haha, duct-tape. XD *giggles* And I think "adorbz" is something I picked up on PE. XD I'm addicted to saying it now. :P

      Riiiiight, no evil author plots. *wink*

      Yes yes yes, I ship them so much! ^_^ You're welcome and thank YOU for always brightening MY day! ^_^

      His reasons are VERY spoilery. XD And this is for Heartseeker, my latest NaNo story that I'm trying to finish. :)

  2. I would totally ship them! They both sound awesome and I am a sucker for best friend romance, I just love it when two friends fall for each other!

    For me it depends on the book but generally I do enjoy adding some romance, as long as it makes sense to the plot, I feel like it makes the characters more relatable and realistic, also, who doesn't love shipping characters!?

    Happy writing!

    1. Hey, sorry for the late response! ^_^ I'm so glad you would ship them! And ahaha. Same here about the best friend romance thing. It's always so sweet. <3

      Exactly! :D Shipping is always fun and a little romance never hurt anyone! ;P Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it! ^__^

  3. Hi! I found you from Cait’s link-up. What’s interesting to me about Driscol and Fiona is... Well, usually (for some reason) in a lot of YA books the bad boy is paired up with the shy girl, for reasons beyond my understanding e_e Making Fiona a tomboy makes her more of a match for Driscol, in my opinion anyway.

    The ‘no brain-to-mouth filter’ bit was what made me love Fiona! A character like that would be so INTERESTING. I’ve read most of the answers on this link-up and your answer to number seven made me crack up!! I couldn’t help but gasp at the name Ouran (Ouran High School Host Club!) Good luck with your book. c:

    1. Hi! :D If you found me on Cait's link-up, that means . . . You must have participated in Beautiful People, too? *gasps and goes to find your post*

      I know what you mean about bad boys and shy girls. That pairing can be interesting, but it's also way overused at times. So, thank you! ^_^ Fiona was actually supposed to be a girly girl when I first started writing, but she insisted on defying my wishes (as usual), so . . . tomboy it was, haha. XD

      Awwww! Thank you so much! ^__^ I'm glad you like her! It really means a lot! :D Thanks for reading! Also, YES. I've never watched Ouran High School Host Club, but, as an anime fan, I'd heard the title quite a bit. His name makes me think of that every time. XD Thanks again for your comment! I'll be sure to check out your blog as well! ^_^
